LiveChat Admin Settings

Accessing the LiveChat Admin Settings page

The LiveChat Admin Settings page includes the General Settings, Canned Responses, Automations and Bot Settings.

To access the LiveChat Admin Settings page, click the LiveChat button on the top.

Click on 'Admin Settings' on the top right and edit the available settings.

General Settings

In the General Settings you can configure the below:

Private/Public mode

In the General Settings, you can select the LiveChat mode, which can be private or public. The private mode restricts agents to view only conversations they have participated in. In the public mode all agents can view all conversations.

Notification for inactivity in conversation

You can configure to send a notification to the agent when a conversation has had no activity for a certain amount of time (in minutes).

Organization Language

Enable Translation

Set your agents language. This setting applies to the Real Time Translation tool.

Agents can set their preferred language, and during live chat sessions, the real-time translation tool will automatically translate user messages into the agent's preferred language. This feature facilitates clear and efficient communication between agents and users who speak different languages.

AI Agents Assistant

Enable AI capabilities to improve live chat features. Also you can press the following buttons for further options:

  • Enable Agent Bot Assistant: enable the use of a bot to assist you during live chat sessions.

  • Select Chatbot: select specific bot from the available options to deploy in your live chat system.

  • Select Web Chat Deployment: specify the deployment configuration for web chat interactions.

User Group LiveChat Settings

Select User Group

Select a specific user group that you want to customize or configure. From the Settings for this user group drop down, select the user group you want to configure.

Business Hours

You can set the specific times at which LiveChat will be available for each group of users.

Please note that the Helvia team will need to be consulted for any required integrations for the custom fields.

Last updated