Canned responses

Canned responses are pre-written messages that you can use to respond to common questions. These are common responses (eg “How can I help you?”) that can be saved for immediate use by agents, ensuring a standardized way of managing customer requests.

To create a canned response as an admin, click the 'Create response' button and fill out the information in the window that pops up. Specifically, add the below:

  • Button title: this is the name of the button that the agent will see to select this canned response.

  • Message: the message that will be sent to the end user if the agent selects the specific response.

  • Categories: add categories or list of categories, referring to the created canned responses.

  • Who can view this response: select the owner only or all users.

  • Select which bots this response will be available for.

Once you have finished, click 'Save Changes'.

Last updated